Melissa Miles McCarter is a writer living in rural Southeast Missouri with her husband and menagerie of pets in a Civil War era home. In addition to being an editor, memoirist and novelist, McCarter has written numerous articles and columns about mental illness and popular culture, infertility, grief, and postfeminism.
Melissa has a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition and her forthcoming book Envisioning A Postfeminist Composition Studies is about the pedological implications of the backlash against feminism in the academy. She is also runs a small press and is a book manager at Booktrope.
Her writing is informed by a number of life’s challenges including living with bipolar disorder since 1998 and coping with the SIDS death of her daughter and resulting secondary infertility. She chronicled the first in her memoir, Insanity: A Love Storyand the second in Joy Interrupted: An Anthology on Motherhood and Loss. More information about Melissa and her role as author, academic and publisher is available at